Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How the Sandinista Revolution Changed Traditional Gender...

How the Sandinista Revolution Changed Traditional Gender Roles in Nicaragua Before the Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution had taken place in the late 1970s, male and female gender roles had been clearly and traditionally defined as to how one should behave and conduct one’s self. Men and women identified these ideal traits and behaviors for potential husbands and wives, or as guidelines in how to raise their children, and even so that the family order of gender role was not upset. Traditional male behavior had originally been based around the notion of machismo. In this way, they are meant to act aggressive, violent, dominant, sexually conquer and drink and gamble. Women on the other hand were expected to be soft spoken, obedient and†¦show more content†¦The old idea of a good man- the ideal of machismo- was someone who could drink, fight gamble, and have a large number of sexual conquests (Lancaster, 1992; pg. 175).† Jaime is a good example of the New Man. He entirely supported the Sandinista Revolution in which he believed in improvin g his country, also an extremely bright scholar who kept improving himself through education; he was also a good friend and generous to his friends. ‘I’ve been tutoring Juan in geometry, and he just doesn’t understand it at all. He doesn’t get it. I knew he was gong to fail the exam, so I failed it, too, so he wouldn’t be the only one in our group to fail.’ â€Å"I (author) wasn’t sure whether to believe this explanation or not, but Jaime was absolutely serious about it. when I asked Roger and Virgilio, they said that Jaime’s explanation was the only reasonable one, because he had tutored them too, and they earned A’s (Lancaster, 1992; pg. 168).’ This showed that Jaime is a product of the revolutionary good New Man, one who serves his country, is a scholar and is most generous whenever he can be with his friends as we can see when he decided to take a failing grade instead of an A. In Nicaragua, relations and small favors amongst friends such as that are very important in a friendship. Mutual help amongst each other is what helps the less fortunate people,Show MoreRelatedRacism and Ethnic Discrimination44667 Words   |  179 PagesRACISM AND ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION IN NICARAGUA Myrna Cunningham Kain With the collaboration of: Ariel Jacobson, Sofà ­a Manzanares, Eileen Mairena, Eilen Gà ³mez, Jefferson Sinclair Bush November 2006 Centro para la Autonomà ­a y Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indà ­genas Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Autonomy and Development Racism and Ethnic Discrimination in Nicaragua November 2006 Contents 1. 2. Introduction Structure of the study 2.1 Scope and methodology 4 7 7 3. RacismRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesthat a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and politicalRead MoreNespresso Co. Analysis15084 Words   |  61 Pagesform an integrated system. In fact, when a customer buys a machine, he then can only use Nespresso capsules. So even if the sales of the machines only represent 4% of the company’s turn over (compare to 96% for the sale of capsules), they play key roles in Nespresso’s global strategy. This integrated system work exactly as the ones we observe in the printer market. II. COUNTRY CLIMATE a. Cultural Environment The regionalism in Switzerland makes it very difficult to speak only one language

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